v0.3: To prepare our minds

A copy of the simulation has been provided to some to test the performance of the application.

Please note that the included application within the zipped folder is now back due to minor request.

Please note that the application still does not account for individual preferences in experience.

To report new features:

-Running is now at play. Hold (Left Shift) and (W) to run. You may only run forward.

-Manual reloading is now at play. Press (R) to load a round. The slide must be open and the magazine must have room for this to work. Otherwise, the round will be wasted.

-Advanced weapon handling is now at play. Manipulate the slide to chamber rounds.

-Weapon equipment is now at play. Press (E) while looking at a weapon to equip it. Weapons will be dropped if too far away from you.

-Scene reloading has been rebound. Press (T) to reload the scene.

-Training is now at play. Press (P) to instantiate a Weaponized Analog. Weapon is advised.

-Death is now at play. Do not shoot yourself. Do not cut yourself. It will hurt.

Unless specified, all previous controls are still at play.

To chronicle the journey:

Models were taken from The Willow Zone. Additional sounds were sourced for Weaponized Analogs. Animations separated into layers to prevent overriding bugs. Magazine system created, handling positions through lerped IEnumerators. Rounds are stored and chambered. Animation bugs managed. Equipping handled. Dequipping handled. Velocity clamped on dequipping to prevent slingshotting weapon. "Revamped" versions of original tracks added, now with extended times and random starting indexes. Weaponized Analogs added, which choose between turning and moving forward. Variables added to control relevant values to movement. Randomized armor added. Armor pieces may be added with "armor points," with exclusive tags as an option to prevent overlapping pieces. Death handled. Player hitbox shrunk to better be shot by self. "Kill" tag has been added, causing death upon player contact.

Get Willow Zone: Training Grounds