v0.5c (still): the "steg hates reading" update

so i think that the death to the flies paragraph makes the page look bad so im cutting it from the main page and putting it here instead


The sins of man, forever to be displayed in the frame of ignorance upon the pedestal of greed, for the Fly knows not of humanity. Driven by naught but the desire for what is not his, the Fly seeks nothing but the destruction of all that is good so long as it may satisfy its insatiable greed for more. When man lay on his knees begging God for forgiveness, the Fly cares not. The Fly has no remorse. The Fly has no soul.

Take this in contrast to the stoic and noble Rhino Beetle. No matter how primitive, a Rhino has a sense of pride and honor. It works on its own self improvement throughout its life, no matter how small. It strives to live life to its fullest without intruding on the property of others, working to create a better world without sacrificing its own morals in the process. At the same time, the Rhino is not afraid to back down to defend itself. It does not fall for the lofty ideas that true peace is the only way. It is able to resort to violent measures without being unreasonable nor belligerent, acting in self defense instead of anger.

The Fly forgoes even this basic sense of dignity, thriving in the depths of inhumanity and disdain. The Fly wishes for the corpses of its enemies to rot in the sun so that it may obtain the work and lives of those which it neither worked to build nor worked to destroy. Morality is incompatible with the mind of a Fly. It does not work to further its own families, nor make a better world. It does not seek revenge, nor does it love. A Fly simply wishes pain and death upon all in the world that is not itself, no matter who or what it is. A Fly thrives on the suffering of all that is good, and plagues all of man as the unkillable and unyielding. 

Up to arms against these demons! Not of the hope to win, for the battle is unwinnable by nature. No, fight because we cannot stand to settle for peace! The Fly wants all to die against one another. Make peace with your brothers and see beyond the blood and the dust of Earth. Your fellow man was never the enemy! You are more the same than the one you should truly be fighting. Up to arms against the Fly! We shall not be defiled by the arrogant reminder of the sins of man!



and yes i did write this myself you doofus i actually put effort into these kinds of things