Cobbled together in the span of two hours, this is an experimental project to test several aspects surrounding text and dialogue.

Primary features:
-Basic lip-syncing animations with 7 vocal states. More can be added.
-Split letters in display. This allows for individual letters to have different properties and transitions, as opposed to having one solid block of text.
-Sample text. Some random yapping content.
-Speed bar. Control how fast the text is "said."
-Basic text pausing. Periods, commas, and other punctuation will be paused on.
-Random music has been added for those who can't experience something without audio.

Next steps:
-Words are not always united when looping. A secondary check must be implemented.
-Speaking sounds will be experimented with.
-"Speaker commands" for speed, pausing, and other things might be added.
-Split letters means that letters can be animated while in the textbox. That might be experimented with.
-Original art might be made for the project.

Development log

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